
Jesse Jackson Newest Person Who Must Go Away Now...

Maybe this is the essence of this summer of 2008. Prominent public officials saying things off the cuff and being busted for it. Part of the allure of working in the media (I work in local television news) for me was to find out how we in the business take part in the uproar that follows each questionable comment or action. I think I have a vague idea, but I think what's happened is that journalism (if it still can be called that) has gotten caught in a deep rut, and I don't think it knows how to free itself.
But back to Jesse Jackson...oh Jesse, what will we do when you leave us? This guy has been a constant source of entertainment my entire life. We can look forward to the rapidly approaching senile years, which will certainly be excellent.
What I don't get is how is Barack talking down to Black America? For saying black men need to take responsibility for their children? For encouraging better family lives? I don't get it. By the way, was Jesse even the one to say he wanted to cut the nuts out? Or was it that other guy sitting next to him?
We need to come up with a name for this group of people. Just as I write this, now Phil Graham is trying to get on the team with his saying Americans are "whiners" because of their complaining about the economy.

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