
Bob Barr, who's he?

Out of curiosity, I was browsing campaign jobs the other day. Mostly for Obama and McCain, but also senators and advocacy groups. And then I came across this posting for a Web design job in support of Bob Barr. Bob Barr, who is he?

Oh, right. He's the Libertarian candidate for president in 2008, but you would never know. I think I follow a decent amount of politics and I didn't know who he was. Why?

After glancing through his Web site, I went to CNN.com to find out what was being said about him. Let's look at the candidates for president in 2008:

Ok, so that's just the Republicans and Democrats. And I get why CNN.com might just highlight those to candidates, given America's preoccupation with a two party system. So let's click around, get to Bob's page.

Not there. Apparently no political party other than the Democrats and Republicans exists. At least that's what CNN.com wold have you believe.

I am not in shock that Bob Barr is not getting constant coverage, but the fact that CNN.com does not even list (it is the Internet, there is unlimited space... )who the independent candidates is shocking. Utterly, shocking.

The Internet allows information to spread like wild fire. But, if most American's are going to the same online news sources, that information is still being filtered. Mainstream media still exists, even if in a virtual world.

No where in our constitution does it say we operate on a two party system. In fact, one of our greatest political minds, George Washington, warned against political political parties. But, we do have a history of not being able to admit we are wrong. Can anyone say Military Industrial Complex?

A test for YouTube and all that it implies. Mainstream media versus a free flow of ideas. Can the Internet break us out of a two party system and truly create an age of information for all? Or will it be stifled by mainstream media and money?

Let's go Barr. I could use that design job.

1 comment:

SN's said...

Wasn't Ron Paul the biggest fundraiser at one point in the primaries? Oh, that's right the media never gave him any coverage (i.e. never gave him a chance)