
Oooohhhh Don Imus, you're gonna have to be sent away...

So there you go, I-man. Just face it, when you start talking race, it never works out well. It just sounds bad coming from a guy who looks like the crypt-keeper in a cowboy hat. And with that voice...it sounds like what I imagined to be the boogey man when I was a kid. The real problem is that you set a standard with the nappy-headed hoes comment. Race just isn't an area that someone like you (representing the old establishment) should enter.

It's kind of sad, really. As ignorant as someone like Imus is, whatever happened to the market place of ideas where the public would filter those who displayed their idiocy. Even if Imus WAS standing up for equal rights, it sounds shitty coming from someone who epitomizes the term, honky.

Imus may get away with this one, though. Last time, insulting a underdog women's basketball team caused an uproar. Now, that it's Pacman Jones (not such a lovable character by any means), Imus will probably squeak by. Who wants to come to the defense of a guy whose most notable accomplishment is to be responsible for the catch phrase, 'MAKE IT RAIN!!!!"?

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